Serving Wisconsin and N. Illinois including Appleton, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Janesville, Madison, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, Rockford, Waupaca, Woodstock, and all surrounding communities.
A pond with a balanced fish population and suitable structure can provide years of enjoyment and sustainability. However, proper planning and management are necessary to ensure fish species compliment each other and don’t become too numerous and stunted. There are many other advantages of a healthy and balanced fish population including reduced mosquito potential, a reduction in available nutrients, and of course, a sustainable food source.
Fish Stocking
Lake and Pond Solutions LLC biologists will work with our Wisconsin and N. Illinois pond owners to ensure a quality fishery. Our fish stocking services also may include stocking rate determination, creel surveys, rough fish eradication, and recommendations for managing your existing population. We strive to provide fish stocking recommendations compatible with your pond and goals. Many of our biologists are avid fishermen so make sure to ask about tips to catch your trophy.
Typically, a combination of bluegill, largemouth bass, and fathead minnows are compatible with most ponds in Wisconsin and Illinois. We have competitive pricing and ensure your fish come with health certificates directly from the hatchery. Fish species include: black crappie, bluegill, brown trout, channel catfish, hybrid bluegill, largemouth bass, muskellunge, northern pike, pumpkinseed, rainbow trout, smallmouth bass, tiger muskie, walleye, yellow perch, fathead minnows, golden shiners, and rosy reds. Triploid grass carp are also available for Illinois pond owners.
The suggested Spring order deadline is April 1st while the suggested Fall order deadline is September 1st. A WI DNR Fish Stocking Permit is required for Wisconsin fish orders unless you have obtained a DATCP Fish Farm License. There are no permits required for Illinois fish orders unless it is for Triploid Grass Carp.
Fish Structure
Fish structure is also an important component to a healthy fishery. Many pond owners neglect the fish cover necessary to meet their goals. Forage and fry need habitat for protection, growth and reproduction, while gamefish need habitat to find food and cover. We are proud distributors for Mossback Fish Habitat and Pond King Artificial Fish Habitat. These artificial fish structures will never break down over time and can easily be added in stages over many years. Our biologists are here to help you determine the type and number of fish structures you need to meet your goals. Remember, the deepest portion of an un-aerated lake will probably remain without oxygen (anoxic) for most of the summer – not a good place to sink your fish structures. Keep them at an intermediate depth and make sure you place your fish structures within casting distance of your favorite fishing spot!
Mossback Fish Habitat
Pond King Artificial Fish Habitat

Lake and Pond Solutions, LLC Store
Lake and Pond Solutions offers a complete line of environmentally friendly products including aeration, fountains, herbicides, algaecides and more.

Contacting Lake and Pond Solutions, LLC
View Our Team and contact a specific biologist or call toll free at 866-525-3648
Follow us on Facebook
Office Locations
N1025 Julius Dr.
Greenville, WI 54942
866-525-3648 (toll free)
920-757-9447 (local)
W4950 County Highway A
Elkhorn, WI 53121
866-525-3489 (toll free)
262-742-2600 (local)