Sonar Mapping

Home Services Sonar Mapping

Serving Wisconsin and N. Illinois including Appleton, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Janesville, Madison, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, Rockford, Waupaca, Woodstock, and all surrounding communities.

Sonar mapping provides a comprehensive and historical look at your lake or pond. Raw sonar data is uploaded to a specialized program to produce bathymetric, relative sediment hardness, and plant density maps. Mapping the lake or pond over time can help determine areas of change, rates of sedimentation, monitor success of dredging projects, provide accurate volumes, and aid in management decision making.  These sonar maps are even available as a Google Earth overlay making review a breeze.

Our sonar mapping units also have side-scan and down-scan technology that captures underwater pictures of your lake or pond bottom. This can be helpful in finding fish cribs, rock out-croppings, weed beds and more.

- Provides a current, detailed, and highly accurate contour map
- Accurate lake/pond volume for herbicide calculations
- Sedimentation rates can be determined from multiple readings
- Assists in determining a dredging timeline
- Way to monitor success of dredging project
- Maps can be imported to Google Earth
Bathymetric Mapping
- Highlights potential areas of muck accumulation

- Determine relative bottom hardness

Relative Sediment Hardness
- Locate underwater features like fish cribs, rock out-croppings or
brush piles

- Map submerged plant beds

Sidescan Imagery

This is truly incredible technology that offers associations, districts, and individual pond owners in Wisconsin and N. Illinois valuable information at a reasonable price. Contact us today for a custom quote.

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Lake and Pond Solutions LLC
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Office Locations

N1025 Julius Dr.
Greenville, WI 54942
866-525-3648 (toll free)
920-757-9447 (local)

W4950 County Highway A
Elkhorn, WI 53121
866-525-3489 (toll free)
262-742-2600 (local)